It’s time to upgrade GCM to Firebase Cloud Messagingの意訳
2016年、Google Cloud Messaging(GCM)の後継としてFirebase Cloud Messaging(FCM)をローンチしました。FCMはGCMを進化させ、通知とデータメッセージをiOS、Androidの両方に確実に送信することを可能にしています。加えて、FCMはFirebase console上でプッシュ通知を簡単に送信できる機能を提供しています。それによって、ユーザーの再獲得のためのプッシュ通知を簡単に送信できます。
もしあなたのプロジェクトでまだGCM APIを使用しているなら、2019年4月11日までにクライアントとサーバーのコードでFCMを使用するよう更新する必要があります。今使用しているGCMトークンはFCMで引き続き動作するため既存のユーザーへプッシュ通知が送信不能にはなりません。
もしドキュメントで回答が得られない質問があれば、サポートページのCloud Messaging FAQsをご覧頂くかその他のサポートチャンネルを通じてご連絡ください。
In 2016, we launched Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM), the successor to Google Cloud Messaging (GCM). As the next evolution of GCM, Firebase Cloud Messaging allows you to send notifications and data messages reliably to iOS, Android, and the Web at no cost. In addition, FCM provides you with new features like the easy-to-use notifications interface in the Firebase console, so you can easily target and test notifications to re-engage your users.
In order to devote more time and attention to improving FCM, today we’re announcing that you must upgrade to FCM in the next year. The GCM server and client APIs are deprecated and will be removed as soon as April 11, 2019. We recommend you upgrade sooner rather than later so you can start taking advantage of the new features in FCM today.
If you have projects that are still using the GCM APIs, you will need to update your client and server code to use FCM before April 11, 2019. Your existing GCM tokens will continue to work with FCM so you won’t lose the ability to send to your existing users.
What do I need to do?
You’ll find a complete walkthrough of the FCM upgrade process here. You can also check out this video, which walks through the migration process.
If you have questions that aren’t answered in the deprecation documentation, take a look at the Cloud Messaging FAQs on our support page or reach out to us through one of our other support channels.
We look forward to welcoming you to FCM!
Firebase Team